Treatment of Waist and Neck Hernia with Ozone

Every person experiences low back or neck pain in a period of his / her life. There are many causes of these pain and hernia is high. Modern lifestyle plays a major role in increasing the incidence of lumbar and neck hernias. Sitting incorrectly for a long time while watching television, spending time in front of a computer, working at a desk can lead to lumbar and neck hernia. We observe that the introduction of telephones increases the neck problems. The advancement of technology and our adaptation to modern life restrict our movement, and still life is one of the most important causes of lumbar and neck hernia. On the other hand, genetic predisposition, stress and reverse movements are also effective in this.

The majority of hernia and lumbar hernias can be treated with non-surgical methods. In this direction, many non-surgical methods continue to be discovered. One of these methods is ozone injection we met about 40 years ago.

When is ozone injection used?

Ozone injection is an effective method performed in the operating room environment, which we apply very frequently in lumbar and neck hernia. It is based on the principle of injecting ozone gas into or around the herniated disc with the help of injectors. The gas delivered reduces the volume of the disc and is intended to reduce the pressure on the nerves. Lumbar and neck hernias cause pain in the waist, arm and / or leg. It may also cause weakness in the arm or leg. The reason for these complaints is that the hernia suppresses the nerve. Reducing the disc and reducing pressure on the nerve also reduces pain.

The ozone – oxygen mixture acts on the ligaments that hold the hernia together, helping to reduce herniation. Increases blood flow and oxygen required for recovery. It is beneficial in reducing edema that increases pressure. Ozone treatment is not effective in all hernia and neck hernia. The patient should not be suitable for this treatment. Ozone treatment is not effective in advanced hernias. Ozone treatment does not help if there is loss of strength in the legs and arms, incontinence or impotence problems.

Ozone treatment for waist and neck hernias has the following advantages over other procedures:

It is a non-surgical method.
It will take short time.
It is cheaper than surgery.
It does not have to be hospitalized.
After the procedure, normal life can be continued.


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