Intoeing in Children

A widely observed problem in children, intoeing is when the feet turn inwards when walking. Intoeing in children is generally related to genetic factors and it presence indicates that someone in the family, either from mother’s side or father’s side, must have had intoeing feet. Intoeing should be considered a variation of foot stance and not a serious condition. The most serious harm caused by intoeing is abrasion of shoes, especially around heel linings.

Causes of Intoeing in Babies

Even though intoeing is deemed a problem of the feet, it is actually rooted in angle differences at the hipbone or shin bone. The femoral angle, which is approximately 15 degrees in adults, is 20-25 degrees in children. This angle is greater in children who are intoeing. In order to correct this angle, the hip turns inwards leading to intoeing. Likewise, the in-turning angle of the shin bone can cause intoeing problems.

What Kind of Problems Does Intoeing Pose?

Parents with intoeing children are worried that this condition will cause greater problems in the future and voice fears such as “What if my child cannot walk?” “What if my child has walking disorders?” “What if my child cannot do sports?” Many other questions like these ones understandably worry parents but the concern is mostly in vain. Intoeing children can have highly active and successful sporting lives. Majority of previously intoeing children face no problems at all in this regard throughout their lives and there are many professional basketball and football players who are intoeing. Actually, it has been observed that intoeing people run faster than those with normal feet stance and bone angle.

Treatment of Intoeing

Since intoeing is not regarded as a disorder, treatment is generally not required. However, some rare cases with extreme intoeing may be considered for treatment. Treatment can start once the child reaches adolescence at least and involves use of plaster cast or surgical intervention. There is no need for special shoes or moulds for intoeing treatment.


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