EMG Test

Emg test is the electrical monitoring of the nerves and muscles in our body. It provides measurement of the electrical conduction functions of the nerves along with the linear electrical current so that the patient is not disturbed. It is used to diagnose diseases that affect the nerves, to make a diagnosis, to determine the severity of dysfunctions or structural damages, to monitor the disease process and to evaluate the effect of treatment. The most commonly used tests in EMG testing are nerve conduction studies and needle EMG.

In the EMG of the needle, the muscles are examined through the needle without electrical stimulation. In nerve conduction studies, the signals in these nerves are revealed by electrical stimuli given to certain points of the nerves by stimulating electrodes attached to the body. The signals are evaluated to obtain information about where the disease is located in the body or the extent of the disease in the case of a common disease.

The duration of the EMG varies according to the examination to be performed. It can take an average of 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.

In which situations EMG is performed?

Nerve diseases … such as trapping, squeezing, hernia …
Muscle diseases
Rheumatic diseases

Pre-EMG Preparation

Comfortable clothes should be preferred.
If medication is used, information should be given. EMG cannot be performed if blood thinners are used.
Cosmetics such as creams should not be applied to the body.
The phone must be switched off.
If a pacemaker is present, it should be told.
The jewelry must be removed.
Should be said if there are blood-borne diseases.
If you have previously performed examinations, it is useful to have them with you.


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